A sweet client gave me this lovely gift for Christmas this year. After having a chuckle together over the inscription, I went home and recognized it as a very insightful accolade. Tiny humans are my life. ‘On and off the court’ I am surrounded by tiny humans. I love raising them at home and working with them in therapy. Throughout my life, I have always had an affinity for little people.
As I sit amongst my own tiny humans this holiday, I see they are getting less tiny and I am grateful that I get to remain in this stage of childhood with all my little humans at work and do not have to leave it entirely when my littles grow up. Children are full to the brim with life and are learning so much, it is an honour and a blessing to help them along their path.
For years, my arms have literally been full of my own tiny humans. As the years go by, I have been able to expand my reach further and further to more tiny humans all around me, walking along their paths. I am grateful to be a part of their journeys as well.
During this quiet time between Christmas and New Years, I have had time to reflect on all the joy that this stage of life brings. I love building relationships with my children. They laugh when I tell them having babies is like making yourself some friends you get to hang out with. I enjoy hanging out with all my other little friends as well. I love bringing their speech and language
to the surface and shaping their words and thoughts into verbalizations that can be shared and understood by others around them. Giving them their independence to express
themselves without the constant need for interpretation by their caregivers. Enabling them to share their ideas in the classroom and converse with friends in social situations so they don’t miss out on those opportunities.
Being at home during the holidays, especially through this COVID holiday, I have been grateful for all the opportunities my children receive to practice their social skills on a constant basis. The sharing, helping, negotiating, and self-advocating that happens continually emphasizes to me the importance of communication and the role it has in our human connection. All behaviour is communicating something, but to be able to express those communicative intents through speech and language is the very best way to tame those tiny humans.